We will be updating this section to answer player questions and to clarify rules if needed, but if you're not in front of a computer, when in doubt, go by what is in the Rules book.
At the start of the phase is correct
Yes, this is correct.
You can fire at the monsters even if the hall section is unexplored. Exploration more refers to examining room doors as opposed to not knowing there is a hall there.
The stated room spawn is in addition to the normal room spawn. And occurs at the same time as the regular room spawn. There is no optional about it.
Yes, the player's carry limit is their loot limit.
You cannot trade from your track. Ammo from the track CAN be looted from a dead player though.
No, they just take up two spots. For example, if either goes into a room, which has four spots, they take up two (and will draw the attention of monsters fixated on those spots accordingly), and two of the smaller characters can join them if they want. If both went in, they it's just the two if them in the room.
At the end of the next combat round. So say you enter a room and are fighting, and you get stunned on your turn. You are stunned for the next turn in the fight, then it clears.
The idea is you leave a floor, all those monsters are left behind, and a new track is started from scratch (meaning there's some build up time again before they're near enough to pop out at you).

Intro to combat, Brawler complete, and Thingiverse fig!
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